Main Screen
  •  Introduction to the main screen
  •  Software Version
  •  Enable / Disable
  •  Communication Log
  •  Supported Credit Cards
  •  Meters and Graphs
  •  Reader Status and Download
  •  Control Buttons
  •  Credit Card Reader Communications
  •  Debug & Troubleshooting

  • Introduction to the main screen

     1) Software Version / Prices Shows the version of the Crossfire Credit Card software that you are currently running, as well as a code for the processing methods your version of the software is using. Credit Card Pricing is also visible in this section for "At A Glance" pricing information.
     2) Enable / Disable: You may also disable or enable the ball dispenser's credit card capabilities on the fly with the "Accepting Credit Cards" button.
     3) Communication Log Shows details on the last few transactions that have run through the system. This can help you identify potential problems.
     4) Supported Credit Cards Check with your Credit Card Processing Company which cards are supported. Check them off here so that Crossfire will accept them as well.
     5) Meters and Graphs Shows details on the count of various transaction sizes that have occurred throughout the day. Additionally, a bar graph is available to show total transactions by the hour.
     6) Reader Status and Download You may view a graphical representation of the card reader's status here. 
     7) Control Buttons Use the control buttons to change settings in the Credit Card software, view reports, close the application, or view error logs.
     8) Credit Card Reader Communications This area primarily is used to indicate major error messages such as a failed internet connection or a communication error between the PC and the card reader. Communications between the PC and the card reader are shown via the TX and RX indicators.
     9) Debug & Troubleshooting Debug information is available here for you to diagnose problems or refresh the card reader statuses.

    Software Version / Prices

    Software Version will indicate to you both the current running version of your e-range Crossfire Credit Card software as well as what type of Credit Card Processing middleware you are using.

    Crossfire v3.6.17 (xxxxx):
    Method: Meaning of:
    ETS Your version of e-range Crossfire Credit Card is set up to use ETS Corporation's Credit Card Processing methods as well as ETS Gift Cards.
    TPI PS Your version of e-range Crossfire Credit Card is set up to use TPI Software's SmartPayments Server to process your Credit Cards. You may use your existing Credit Card Processing account. The SmartPayments Server is designed for managing a high volume of transactions for an exceptionally busy golf range.
    TPI PC Your version of e-range Crossfire Credit Card is set up to use TPI Software's SmartPayments Client to process your Credit Cards. You may use your existing Credit Card Processing account. The SmartPayments Client is mainly used for managing a smaller volume of transactions and works well for most setups.

    You may see the Credit Card selection prices in this section as well as the selection names. You can change these prices from the Company Information screen in the Preferences page.

    Enable / Disable

    Using the "Accepting Credit Cards" button will enable or disable the acceptance of Credit Cards at your ball dispenser. The button will appear GREEN and read as "Accepting Credit Cards" when the system is accepting credit cards, and will change color to RED and read as "NOT Accepting Cards" when you have disabled the acceptance of Credit Cards.

    Coummunication Log

    When a credit card is swiped after the customer makes a selection, you will see a status message very similar to the small excerpt on the left. Every card swipe that has a selection made will show at the minimum: the size of the basket requested (Small/Medium/Large), the cost of that bucket (Transaction Amount), and a message that indicates the processing of the transaction has gone underway.

    If the transaction was approved: You will see a message that indicates that the transaction was good. You may also receive a display of the Auth and Ref numbers depending on your Card Processing middleware.

    If the card was not accepted: You will see a message that indicates that the card was not accepted (for example: if the customer swiped a MasterCard but you do not allow MasterCard at your location.)

    If the card was not authorized: You will see a message that indicates that the card was not authorized as well as the reason that the card was not authorized (ie: Insuff Funds [Card Specific] or "Incorrect Master Key" [The e-range software was not configured properly]).

    If the credit card software cannot connect to a server: You will see a message such as "Internet Connection Failed!". In order to prevent customers from being alarmed, the e-range card reader will display the message "System Busy... Please try again".
    You will receive a message indicating that a customer swiped a Credit Card when no selection was made prior to swiping the card. A tally is kept of all of the swipes made with no selection to aid you in deciding whether or not adequate instructions are displayed at your dispenser.

    Supported Credit Cards

    You will see a quick overview of the cards that are supported at your range in the "Supported Credit Cards" section on the main screen. To set the acceptable cards in the software, you will need to click on the "Credit Cards" button in the Control Buttons section.

    Please note that you may need to talk to your Credit Card Processing company (ie: NOVA, Paymentech, Concord...) to notify them to accept the Credit Card type on their side of the system as well.

    The system can be configured to accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diner's Club, and JCB Credit Cards. Optionally, you may also accept ETS Corporation's Gift Cards if you wish to use ETS Corporation as your Credit Card Processing middleware component.

    You can see more details on configuring your Credit Card parameters on the Credit Card Configuration page.

    Meters and Graphs

     1) Running
    This timer shows the length of time that the e-range Crossfire application has been running since the last time that it was started.
     2) Completed The "Completed" section shows you all of the purchased items for Card Swipes and Credit Card voids due to serial communication error for each of the 3 selection sizes. In addition to showing a running tally of "Meters" for the day, this section also shows a count of all of the card swipes at your ball dispenser for which no selection was made.
     4) Bar Graph This section is a graphical representation of the total basket vends during any particular hour during the day. You may scroll through the graph to view different hours. In the example to the left, we see that 27 baskets have been dispensed from 9AM to 10AM and that 3 baskets have been dispensed from 10AM to 11AM.

    Credit Card Reader Communications

    If there are any major error messages in the system such as connectivity issues with the ball dispenser or issues while validating a credit card over the internet, a message will be displayed in this section of the main screen.

    A flashing TX indicator shows that the PC is sending messages to the reader, whereas a flashing RX indicator shows that the card reader is sending messages to the PC.

    Control Buttons

    Use the control buttons to change settings in the Credit Card software, view reports, close the application, or view error logs:
     1) Reports Click this button to view a list of the credit card transactions that have occurred today as well as print up Z-reading reports. You may find more information on the Reports page.
     2) Credit Cards Click this button to view Credit Card configuration options for your Credit Card Processing middleware component. This can include Client and Master Keys and web addresses of the card validation pages on the servers. You may find more information on the Credit Card Configuration page.
     3) Shutdown Click this button to shut down the e-range Crossfire application. You will be prompted to type in the word "shutdown" as a sort of confirmation to prevent accidental shut down of the software.
     4) Minimize to System Tray Click this button to send the Crossfire Credit Card software into the System Tray on your computer. Once Crossfire is in the System Tray, you may right click it's icon and select "Maximize Program" to view the main screen once again.
     5) Message Log Click this button to see a list of any error messages that have occurred in the software. Please note that there is a log file stored in the "Logs" directory for each day that there were errors. The "Logs" directory exists in the application's working directory (Usually in "C:\Program Files\Crossfire")
     6) Preferences Click this button to view the preferences screen. You may use the preferences screen to change comm port numbers, database paths, dispense timings, print settings, and company information. You can find more information on the Preferences page.

    Reader Status and Download

    This shows the activity status of the e-range Credit Card Reader that this Crossfire Credit Card instance is monitoring:
      A GREEN background will indicate an active or ready status.
      A YELLOW background will indicate a busy or card processing status.
      A BLUE background will indicate that the reader is busy vending a basket.
      A RED background will indicate that the reader was not found. (Either the reader is powered off, there may be hardware failure / signal loss, or there may be incorrect configuration information set. See the Debug & Troubleshooting section for trying to fix communication issues.
             The Shrink button will shrink the Crossfire application to just show the Software Version, Reader Status and Download, and the Debug & Troubleshooting sections. When the main screen is shrunk, you may expand it again by clicking this button again (Note that this button's icon becomes an expand button in shrunken view).

    Debug & Troubleshooting

     1) The Find
    If the Reader or Card Swipe status is RED, you may use the corresponding Find button (signified by Binoculars) to tell the Crossfire system to try and find the e-range credit card reader. Please note that the correct serial port numbers are required to be set in the Preferences page.
     2) Raw Comm The View Raw Comm button may be used by our technical support staff or yourself to see the raw data that the card reader is sending to the PC, as well as what the PC is sending to the e-range card reader.
     3) Show
    When this checkbox is checked, the Find buttons and the View Raw Comm button will be made visible. Likewise, hide the Find buttons and the View Raw Comm button by unchecking this checkbox.